Robert L. Lichten Award Competition

The Robert L. Lichten Award was established to encourage AHS members who have not previously presented the results of their work at a national forum to begin through presentations at local and regional AHS meetings. Candidates for the Lichten Award are proposed by Regional Vice Presidents to the Technical Director and are judged by a committee comprised of members of the AHS Technical Council to determine a national winner.

The award for the Lichten winner consists of a $500 honorarium made available from Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., complimentary travel from anywhere in the U.S. to the Forum site, plus complimentary registration and lodging at the AHS Annual Forum. The first runner-up is given an opportunity to present at the Forum and receives complimentary registration. The award was established in 1975 to honor the memory of Robert L. Lichten, an outstanding rotary wing engineer and the Society’s 22nd president. Robert Lichten was a skilled and dedicated worker who spent much of his career championing early tilt-wing and tiltrotor concepts until his unfortunate death in an automobile accident. Many who knew him called him the “Pioneer of Tilt Rotor Technology.”

Visit link for more details (pdf): Procedures and Eligibility Statement

Highlight: Stratford Chapter Winners!

2012 – Erez Eller

1998 – Joseph Horn

1996 – Andreas P.F. Bernhard

1984 – Mark Davis

1981 – Shyi-Yaung Chen

1976 – Thomas Sheehy

Previous National Winners

2022 – Timothy Schmidt, Sikorsky Aircraft

2021 – Andrew Lavoie, Sikorsky Aircraft

2015 – Isaac Bandy, Sikorsky Aircraft

2014 – Raymond Beale, Sikorsky Aircraft

2012 – Erez Eller, Sikorsky Aircraft

2010 – Mohammad Ali Rafiee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2005 – Jonathan Garhart, Sikorsky Aircraft

1997 – Bryan Cotton, Sikorsky Aircraft

1990 – Joshua Gordia, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1984 – Mark Davis, United Technologies Research Center

1983 – Todd Quackenbush, Continuum Dynamics Inc.

1980 – Ken Leighton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1976 – Thomas Sheehy, Sikorsky Aircraft